Tuesday, November 15, 2011

One heck of a FIRST KILL!!!!

Now this is an AWESOME  first kill if I must say! I have hunted with 14 yr old Austin Elliott and his father Danny for quite a few years now and I want to tell you something about him........this kid LOVES archery. Austin has been hunting with us since he was 8 and he hiked with us in places that was even tough on the men of the group....So for him to harvest this kind of a bull for his first kill is an awesome reward!
Congrats Austin on harvesting one heck of a first bull!

If anyone has harvest pictures or anything from this year that you want to share with the club, just email them to me and give me some info that I can post with it.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

It's up and running.....

Well we have decided to try something new this year and go with a blog instead of a website to try and update everyone to what's been going on throughout the year! So this could be the start of something great if you members of the club will help me get pictures and things to post......I have also set up a new email for you to send event info and photos to so that we can share them on this blog, the new address is usrbclub@gmail.com So please get me something to post on here and lets share as many interesting pictures and stories that we were able to make happen this year....We will also be updating this blog with any club info, like banquet information and shoot info as the new year begins. If you have any comments please feel free to voice them at the bottom of each post, your input will help me make this blog as interesting as I can.