Monday, June 23, 2014

Archery Shoot this weekend

The Upper Snake River Bowmen ' s Patriot shoot is this weekend off of  Anderson Mill Rd.turn right at the top of Ashton Hill and then go 3 miles to the sheep ridge.

It should be a fun shoot in a new area with a lot of space to camp.  Shoot set up at 10 am on Friday the 27th.  Take down at 3 on Sunday the 29th.   Come help out to be entered to win 50$ gift cards and the drawing for the bow at the banquet.   We would love to have your help.  Pass this message on to shooters or even beginners that would like to try it out.  We will have some bows for people to try out on the kids range.  Contacts on the website at  Hope to see you there.  Follow the signs.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Hog Shoot

Our USRB Hog Shoot is this weekend. Same place as last year. You can get directions on the website at we will be setting up tomorrow/ Friday at 10 a.m.  We would love to have your help. tickets for every half hour worked during setup and takedown or for helping with the shoot . Tickets go into a drawing for 3 $50 gift cards and a bow at the banquet.  Shoot starts at 8 a.m. On Saturday and ends Sunday when we start take down. There's space to camp.  We will have bows that people can try out at the kids range should be a lot of fun hope to see you there.  Feel free to pass on to any contacts that might be interested!